Of the seven main sacraments Corpus Christi provides those typically found at a Catholic Church:
All of these have formation & preparation steps we can assist you with. Most are celebrated at regular milestones in the growth of the young, but occasionally happen later in adult life. In this case we provide the sacramental formation provided by the RCIA program. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of our faith journey. Baptism brings us into new life in Christian faith and infuses us with the Holy Spirit. It brings us into God’s community and sparks our relationship with Jesus. If you or someone you know is seeking to be baptized, please contact the Parish Office.
A catechetical class is required for both parents, and if possible the godparents, to complete prior to the baptism of the infant or child. Please contact the Parish Office for more details, registration, and to schedule a baptism.
Adults who wish to be baptized and brought into the fullness of the Catholic faith are more than welcome at Church of Corpus Christi. Please visit the OCIA web page for more details.
Reconciliation is a sacrament of forgiveness and healing from our wrongdoings. As Catholics, we believe it is vital to reconcile with God in order to grow in our faith, love, and trust in the Lord. God invites us to this great sacrament so that we may know of His deep love and mercy for us.
Corpus Christi welcomes all students second grade and up to our First Reconciliation home-based, parent taught program. There will be an informational meeting at the beginning of the program to prepare parents for teaching their children with the Loyola Press curriculum provided.
There will be a group First Reconciliation Service held in January. Please note you may also schedule private arrangements with the pastor for your child to receive their First Reconciliation any time after the curriculum is completed.
Please see the Faith Formation page for registration materials.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. We come together to celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and receive Him in the Eucharist, so that we may be spiritually fed to serve others in His name.
Corpus Christi welcomes all students second grade and up to our First Eucharist home-based, parent taught program. There will be an informational meeting at the beginning of the program to prepare parents for teaching their children with the Loyola Press curriculum provided. There is also a Morning Retreat in the spring that is a requirement for both child and parent to attend.
There will be a group First Eucharist celebration held in May. Please note you are not required to participant in the large group celebration and may schedule your child’s First Eucharist date any time after Easter and the Morning Retreat.
Please see the Faith Formation page for registration materials.
Confirmation marks a beginning. It is not merely a graduation, or an end to formal education in the faith, but involves a decision on the part of the young person to join with us fully in the work of salvation. The individual is recognized as one freely accepting engagement in a process of ongoing conversion within a supportive community of faith that is also experiencing that process.
The Confirmation Handbook is intended to be used as a guide for youth grades 9 and older and their parents as they prepare for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation. It outlines the process and the expectations involved in each element. Orientation for students and parents is held in early October.
We love fun adults who have a desire to share their faith with our youth. Sign up below! All volunteers must complete a background check and VIRTUS training as required by the Archdiocese. A Code of Conduct form must be completed each year.