The Corpus Christi Pathfinders initiative is a prayerful journey undertaken by our parish to discern God’s will for our community’s future. Through careful stewardship and commitment to our mission, we seek to strengthen the spiritual and financial foundation of our parish so that we may continue to serve Christ and His Church. This process unfolds in several stages, each designed to engage our parishioners, assess our ministries, and explore sustainable paths forward. Here’s an overview:
1. Seeking Vision and Forming Our Team: With the blessing of Fr. Michael and our parish leadership, we established the Pathfinders vision, focusing on deepening our faith, strengthening our ministries, and ensuring responsible stewardship. A dedicated team of parish leaders — Marie Barnum, Fr. Michael Goodavish, Lynda Koren, Tam Mans, Steve Pawelski, and Linc Stine — has been assembled to guide this work with prayer, openness, and respect for the mission entrusted to us.
2. Gathering Insights on Our Parish Life: The initial phase involves gathering key data on parish demographics, financial health, and the scope of our ministries. Additionally, insights and data from recent Gathering meetings will be integrated to provide a comprehensive view of parish life. Each ministry’s vitality will be carefully considered through the lens of its impact on our parish life, community engagement, and alignment with our mission as a Catholic parish.
3. Reflecting on Our Strengths and Challenges: Through a process of discernment, the team will examine our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges. This assessment will allow us to better understand the unique gifts our parish brings to the wider Church, as well as the areas where support and growth are needed.
4. Listening and Discernment: The team will draft reports on various ministries to share with parish leaders for review. Parishioners will then be invited to participate through feedback and listening sessions, providing forums for open discussion. This feedback will be invaluable as we discern the Holy Spirit’s guidance in shaping our next steps.
5. Exploring Faithful Paths Forward: The team will prayerfully consider different options to support the long term spiritual and financial health of our parish. Recommendations will be developed with a focus on faithfulness to our mission as a Catholic parish and the stewardship of our resources for the good of all.
6. Finalizing Our Recommendations: All findings and proposed actions will be compiled into a comprehensive report and reviewed with parish leadership by mid-2025. This report will hopefully reflect our commitment to maintaining a vibrant Catholic presence in our community and ensuring the long-term vitality of our ministries and resources.
7. Presenting Our Vision and Next Steps: The final report will be presented to the entire parish in a spirit of transparency and communion. Together, we will explore the vision for our future and the steps needed to carry forward our mission of spreading the Gospel and serving Christ’s people.
Building Action Team - Tom Valois, Chairperson
Develop a maintenance plan, repurpose space for rental, and utilize campus space efficiently.
Communications Action Team [Inactive]
Evaluate the current methods of parish communication and work towards building an efficient, effective and comprehensive communications system that incorporates all types of media.
Stewardship Action Team [Inactive]
Promote a spiritual vision of giving back to God with gratitude in time, talent and treasure.
The parish, being a legal corporation, is required to have a Board of Directors, sometimes referred to as the Board of Trustees. The five member board consists of the Archbishop, Vicar General, the pastor and two lay members of the parish given the title of Trustee. The Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure the proper governance of the corporation and to manage the property and the business of the parish. This includes the authorization of deeds, contracts, indebtedness, major expenditures in excess of $15,000 and the approval of the annual budget. The lay trustees are appointed by the Archbishop for two year terms.
Marie Barnum - Trustee
Linc Stine - Trustee
Art and Environment Committee [Inactive]
Create a beautiful and welcoming environment inside the church that will enhance the worship experience of our parishioners.
Faith Formation Committee [Inactive]
Participate in development, long-range planning and implementing policies for all programs, infancy through adult.
Liturgy Committee
Coordinate, evaluate, and visualize the worship at Corpus Christi.
Social Justice Committee
Empowering and educating the parish community on social issues of legislative advocacy, life issues, economic justice, children’s issues, housing and environment.
Parish Pastoral Council - Marie Valois, Chair
The Pastoral Council serves as a consulting body to the Pastor and makes recommendations to the Pastor who is the final authority on all major issues.
Parish Finance Council - Craig Klausing, Chair
The Parish Finance Council advises the Pastor in the sound management of the temporal goods of the parish.