What is stewardship?
Financial stewardship is an important component of a balanced spiritual life. Returning to God from that which God has given to us is a tangible way to express our faith.
Why should I make a stewardship pledge?
Just as we make plans to regularly attend Mass and put our time into parish ministries, we can also create a plan to ensure our efforts carry on into the future. In doing so we can offer up our financial gifts as a way of prayerfully expressing gratitude for God's goodness to us. Benefits of pledging include:
Building Action Team - Tom Valois, Chairperson
Develop a maintenance plan, repurpose space for rental, and utilize campus space efficiently.
Communications Action Team [Inactive]
Evaluate the current methods of parish communication and work towards building an efficient, effective and comprehensive communications system that incorporates all types of media.
Stewardship Action Team [Inactive]
Promote a spiritual vision of giving back to God with gratitude in time, talent and treasure.
The parish, being a legal corporation, is required to have a Board of Directors, sometimes referred to as the Board of Trustees. The five member board consists of the Archbishop, Vicar General, the pastor and two lay members of the parish given the title of Trustee. The Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure the proper governance of the corporation and to manage the property and the business of the parish. This includes the authorization of deeds, contracts, indebtedness, major expenditures in excess of $15,000 and the approval of the annual budget. The lay trustees are appointed by the Archbishop for two year terms.
Marie Barnum - Trustee
Linc Stine - Trustee
Art and Environment Committee [Inactive]
Create a beautiful and welcoming environment inside the church that will enhance the worship experience of our parishioners.
Faith Formation Committee [Inactive]
Participate in development, long-range planning and implementing policies for all programs, infancy through adult.
Liturgy Committee
Coordinate, evaluate, and visualize the worship at Corpus Christi.
Social Justice Committee
Empowering and educating the parish community on social issues of legislative advocacy, life issues, economic justice, children’s issues, housing and environment.
Parish Pastoral Council - Marie Valois, Chair
The Pastoral Council serves as a consulting body to the Pastor and makes recommendations to the Pastor who is the final authority on all major issues.
Parish Finance Council - Craig Clausing, Chair
The Parish Finance Council advises the Pastor in the sound management of the temporal goods of the parish.